
Monday, May 6, 2013

Does Alcohol Affect Your Fitness Goals?

You’re in college, it’s at every party, all your friends take part in it regularly… ALCOHOL. 
Especially at a college like USC, alcohol surrounds the social scene.  Have you ever thought about how many calories are in a shot of whisky? Or how much a night of drinking takes away from your killer workout that afternoon?  I guess because alcohol is so much a part of the party scene at USC, no one thinks twice about it. On late nights going out, I noticed that my body felt weaker and more sluggish the next day so I decided to find out for myself how much alcohol keeps me from reaching my fitness goals.  I am not here to tell you not to partake in consuming alcohol, but to know its affects on the body so you can make more informed decisions at parties in the future.
A misconception many people have is that by cutting out certain foods in their diets, it will make up for the 6-7 drinks they have during the course of a wild party night.  FALSE.  Alcohol is high in calories not to mention the other sodas and syrups put in your drinks.  That one Jack Daniel’s and Coke you order at the 901 Bar and Grill has over 200 calories per drink.  These empty calories slow down your body’s metabolism and get stored as pure fat.
Most importantly, alcohol leads to dehydration.  Dehydration is the primary reason for why your body feels like crap after a night on the town.  Your stamina, strength and focus for your the next couple days will be negatively affected because your body has been sucked of all the water it’s used to receiving.
If you are like me though, and don’t want to cut alcohol out completely, there are ways to minimize the negative effects of a night of partying.  Here are some helpful easy tips –
1.       Before you go out for the night, make sure you are sufficiently hydrated.  Also, when you get back home, drink a bottle of water or two before bed.  This will help your body rehydrate as you sleep.
2.       Take a couple of Multivitamins either before you go out, or before bed with water.  This will help replenish your body with the vitamins lost when alcohol is consumed.
3.       Stick to alcohol that is on the clearer side.  Darker alcohols like whisky and rum have a lot more calories than vodka.  This applies to beer too.  A Bud Light is far better for you than a Guinness.
4.       Make sure to have a full stomach of food before or while you are drinking (this doesn’t include a Victory Dog on the way to a home football game).  This not only does this help your body process the alcohol in a healthier way, it also keeps you from the temptation of eating late-night fast food!
Here is one of the articles I checked out:

Hello World Post

It’s a football game day on the USC campus.  You told yourself you are going to start eating healthier, but all your friends want to get cheeseburgers and beer before the game.  You want to say no, but you don’t know any other alternative.  Does this situation sound familiar?  As college students, we are constantly faced with these situations keeping us from getting the figure that will give us the confidence we want day to day.  At times, it seems impossible to balance a healthy living with an active college lifestyle.  This is far from the truth!
I pride myself on living an active lifestyle and staying fit.  More people than ever are overweight and can’t seem to find a way and stay healthy, especially in college.  As college students, we encounter so many obstacles that keep us from having the physique that we feel good about.  College is a time where you are given freedom to decide how you want to carry out your life.  No one is there to tell you how to spend your free time.  You are in control.  With college, there comes obstacles. These obstacles are everywhere -  cafeteria food, late nights studying, low college budget, and partying.  It is easy to use these things as an excuse.  
I want my blog to focus on the importance of staying in shape and enjoying college.  Now a second semester senior, I want to share useful tips I have gathered to help me stay fit and healthy despite the chaos college can throw at you.  In my posts, I will share workout and dieting tips, easy changes to your daily routine, goal setting, and time management.  I will also share personal stories about my journey from freshman year and how I learned what works and what doesn’t work when it comes to staying in shape.
Would you be curious to know how many calories are in your drink at a Thursday night party?  Which snacks give you the most energy and nutrition? How you can reach your goals in the gym?  Stick around and you will find out! --- Fitness is so important to me and I hope that through my blog posts, it will help and motivate others to stay fit too.  No matter who you are, everyone has the ability to achieve the physique they want, while still having fun and enjoying college.  
Blog names:  College Fitness; You vs. College;  Staying Fit in College

Friday, April 26, 2013

Getting Work Experience

Finding a job after or leading up to graduation can be stressful for any college student.  The job market is becoming more and more competitive after college because of the high demand of work experience expected by employers.  Luckily for me, I took the right steps to get work experience early on in my college career.  Now, while many of my friends are panicking to figure out life after graduation, I have a secured job with a company I am excited to work for.  Having a job locked down sooner than later makes your final year of college much more fun and rewarding. 

No matter how prestigious your college is, it is highly unlikely to be offered the job of your dreams without any previous real world experience.  If you never have had any formal work experience, don’t worry about it being exactly in-line with your career path.  Excelling with any company and putting in hard hours of work is always a great place to start.  Here are some tips to get started:

1.       Get a Job on Campus – There are tons of jobs your campus offers which are available to students.  Campus jobs don’t always pay the best, but they are usually easy and flexible around your class schedule.  Many of these jobs allow you to get homework done at work which is also a plus.  Think of it this way – You are getting paid to do your homework!

2.       Work for Relatives or Family Friends – When trying to get work experience, it’s all about utilizing the sources which know you best.  See if relatives or family members need an extra helping hand during the summer time based on your skill set.  Often times, even if your close acquaintances can’t personally give you a job, they are more likely to go out of their way to help you.  However, it is important to take the job seriously regardless of how closely connected you are to the employer.  Keeping strong relations with family friends can open up opportunities down the road.

3.       Volunteer – If you can’t find a job, volunteering is also a way to get working experience.  For the most part, employers don’t care whether your job is paid or not so a volunteer job can be just as marketable as any paid job.  Also, volunteering shows signs of leadership and responsibility while asking nothing in return.

4.       Internship – If you have a general idea of your career path, see what internships are available around your school's campus.  Ask advice from faculty members or your school’s career center to see what types of internships may be the best for you.  Whether they are paid or not, internships are great because they give you an idea if you want to pursue a similar career path.  Most importantly, make sure you are learning something! An internship that does not challenge you in any way is not worth your time.

**My biggest piece of advice – No matter what type of work experience you have, anything can be made applicable to the job you are trying to pursue.  Never lie on a resume, but think hard about how the skills learned from one job can apply to the next.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Coachella Experience

Last weekend, I jumped on board with many other college students to experience the world famous Coachella music festival for myself.  Coachella ended up being one of the most fun times I have had in college and I recommend everyone go through the three day musical journey at least once.  Being a Coachella rookie, I had no idea how to prepare or go about each day in order to get the best experience possible.  Now that I have experienced the full festival from beginning to end, I can share my recommendations to my viewers, so, in the future, you can leave the festival on a high note.  I understand that many people’s idea of fun may be different from mine, but here are some tips from my point of view which I believe will make your Coachella experience a memorable one:

1.       If it’s your first time at Coachella, definitely camp – Before buying my ticket for the concert, I had to decide whether to camp or find a nearby hotel.  Since it was my first time, I figured I would get the full Coachella experience by staying at the campgrounds right outside the festival.  Sure, camping got a little dirty towards the end, but it was definitely the right choice.   Camping also gives you the luxury of not having to deal with taxis or buses to and from the concert.  After your first time, by all means stay somewhere else, but you are missing out by not camping.

2.       Eat food - I know this seems obvious, but it’s tempting to miss out on a meal to see one of your favorite artists.  Your body needs calories to have energy and needs to stay fueled.  When you dance around for 12 hours straight every day, you basically put your body through an all day aerobics class.  One solution to this is bringing a couple meal bars with you to the concert.  This will help you from waiting in the food lines every few hours and gives you sustainable energy.

3.       Drink water – Like food, your body needs fluids to survive, especially in 95 degree weather.  My guess is you are probably consuming alcohol throughout the day, meaning having an extra couple bottles of water on hand is crucial.  Realize that this concert is an all day festival in very hot weather so consuming too much alcohol early on will make you pay later in the day.

4.       Travel in small groups – As fun as it sounds to roam around with a crew of 30 people throughout the day, it isn't realistic.  I made this mistake the first day and much of my day consisted of waiting or trying to find people.  In order to see the most acts in the short period of time you have, it’s best to have a small group with the same agenda.

5.       Go see a show at every stage – Coachella is such an amazing festival because it has music for every type of person.  Regardless of your music preferences (I spent most of my time in the “Sahara Tent”), go watch a group or performer at every stage.  

Friday, April 12, 2013

Shoes or No Shoes?

Over the past few years, running barefoot has become more and more popular in the fitness world.  The style of running is called “minimalist” which means wearing web-toed shoes, similar to the picture below.   On a run just the other day, I passed by a fellow Trojan wearing these barefoot shoes.  This is a concept I have questioned for some time now.  To my understanding, those who believe in barefoot running make a point that humans ran and walked without shoes for thousands of years, so why is it necessary to run with them now?  They argue that exercising without shoes is normal for humans and should reverse past injuries caused by modern running shoes, as well as prevent future ones.  At first glance, it seems logical and at times, I have even considered trying it out.  But, after doing a little research myself, I won’t be getting rid of my running shoes anytime soon.

In the last month, The New York Times published an article which conducted a study on the effects of running barefoot.  Dr. Douglas Brown, a radiologist in Orem, Utah, began the study when he noticed the large amount of barefoot runners he was seeing for heel and foot problems.  He teamed up with professor, Sarah Ridge, to see firsthand if running barefoot lead to injuries.

The study consisted of 36 experienced runners, both men and women who run between 15 and 30 miles a week and wear normal running shoes.  One group continued to wear normal shoes while the other incorporated minimalist running into their weekly runs.  After 10 weeks, both groups received an M.R.I. to see if any damage was caused.  There were no signs or injuries in the lower leg of any of the runners, but more than half the runners wearing minimalist shoes showed early signs of bone injuries to their feet.  Specifically, the bone marrow edema (fluid causing the bone to bruise) was above the healthy levels for a majority of the minimalist runners.  A couple runners in the minimalist group were even found to have full stress factors.

Of course, in this experiment, the test group was only 36 people and other factors such as running form and genetics were not taken into consideration.  However, based on the test results, it seems that minimalist running should be avoided until further studies are done on it.  In my opinion, barefoot running serves as an example for how society today is more concerned with the “in” trends than what they know to be good for their health.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


You vs. College:

It’s a football game day on your college’s campus. You told yourself you are going to start eating healthier, but all your friends want to get cheeseburgers and beer before the game. You want to say no, but you don’t know any other alternative. Does this situation sound familiar? As college students, we are constantly faced with these situations keeping us from getting the figure that will give us the confidence we want day to day. At times, it seems impossible to balance healthy living with an active college lifestyle. This is far from the truth!

I pride myself on living an active lifestyle and staying fit. More people than ever are overweight and can’t seem to find a way and stay healthy, especially in college. But with college, comes obstacles. These obstacles are everywhere – cafeteria food, late nights studying, low college budget, and partying. Each of these obstacles makes college the experience of a lifetime, but shouldn't get in the way of staying healthy and fit. College is a time where you are given freedom to decide how you want to carry out your life. No one is there to tell you how to spend your free time. You are in control.

I want my blog to focus on the importance of staying in shape and enjoying college at the same time. Now a second semester senior, I want to share useful tips I have gathered to help me stay fit and healthy despite the chaos college can throw at you. Not only have I helped myself stay in shape, but have also enjoyed helping other friends and colleagues achieve their goals as well. In my posts, I will discuss topics like workout and dieting tips, easy changes to your daily routine, goal setting, and time management. I will also share personal stories about my college journey from freshman year and how I learned what works and what doesn't work when it comes to staying in shape. I have been working out religiously and making a conscious effort to always be keeping my body healthy. By no means do I claim to be a fitness or health expert. I am writing this blog to simply share my success with fitness in college and educate college students on surviving college in general.

Would you be curious to know how many calories are in your drink at a Thursday night party? Which snacks give me the most energy and nutrition? How do I reach my goals in the gym? Stick around and you will find out! --- Fitness is so important to me and I hope that through my blog posts, it will help and motivate others to stay fit too. No matter who you are, everyone has the ability to achieve the physique they want, while still having fun and enjoying college.

Stay-Fit Bug:

While looking through different types of fitness blogs, I came across a blog called the “Stay-Fit Bug.” Initially, I was drawn to the blog because of what it stood for. For the most part, fitness and health blogs tend to tell you the right types or workouts to do or foods to eat. Unfortunately, if you are like me, you don’t have time to dedicate every hour of your day solely to staying in shape. Don’t get me wrong. I am not saying fitness isn't a top priority for many of you, but often times, life can steer us away from staying fit. These are the types of obstacles this blog addresses, while sharing fitness advice along the way. Shaun Sinclair, the writer for, provides a voice of guidance to help and motivate the everyday person.

Shaun has been building muscle successfully for the past 10-12 years and recognizes the ups and downs he has faced along the way to stay in shape. Over the past 4-5 years, Shaun has started a handful of online ventures. Hey, entrepreneurs out there! If you want tips on staying in shape and owning your own business, this is your guy. For most of us, at some time in our lives, we feel that we are too busy to work out or buy healthy foods to eat. Shaun knows this happens and looks to lend a helping hand from his real life experiences. In his bio section, he talks about a time where he stopped exercising for almost two years, getting too caught up in making his business successful. One aspect of Shaun’s blog which made me highly respect him was his ability to admit mistakes. This is what makes him relatable as a blogger to viewers and something I try to do with each post of my own. By sharing common mistakes like “improperly stretching” or “letting your body rest,” he helps prevent his followers from future health injuries down the road.

In terms of relating to my own blog, I like the personal style and flare Shaun rights in each of his posts. Since my goal is to help people live a healthier life and achieve their fitness goals, tying in my personality will make readers feel I am there as a friend. So, although Shaun doesn't have a scientific background, he serves as credible source in relating to the average person – my number one goal as a blogger. There is no better feeling than helping someone reach their fitness goals. Not only are they healthier, but you help boost their overall confidence and self-esteem. Even though the “Stay-Fit Bug” is currently inactive, I discovered a few new useful techniques to implement in my blog. Shaun, get back on the blogging train!

Link to Blog:

Interesting Articles:

Trainer Chris:

In his blog, “Trainer Chris,” Chris Fales shares his exercise and health advice while giving tidbits of his life as a Marine and a certified trainer. Although the name of the blog isn't the most original, it gives first time readers a pretty good idea of what the blog will be about. While serving in the U.S. Marine Corps as a Non-Commissioned Officer in charge of weight control and fitness conditioning, ensuring that each Marine met and kept fitness standards. Holding this position in the Marines sparked Chris’s interest to become a personal trainer. After completing his time with the Marines, he went on to win several fitness awards, even speaking as a guest for 24 Hour Fitness and Bally Total Fitness. By telling the reader about his background and experiences as a trainer, his blog gains more credibility. From each of his blog post, I can see why Chris has been such a positive influence on changing lives.

Chris’s voice in each post is prevalent. The writing is structured in formal, grammatically correct sentences, but there are pieces here and there of conversational language, pretty close to the style of writing in my blog. Chris mixes in an array of narratives about his personal life and time in the Marines. Sometimes, Chris will post a video alone, using a few pieces of his favorite exercise equipment. In his most recent post, “Bag and Bar Drill #1,” he walks his viewers through an outdoor workout tutorial.

Other times, he will talk about events or personal achievements which are going on in his day to day life. Similar to myself, Chris also uses his personal experiences from his own life to motivate or help his readers. I really enjoyed his “Defining Runs” post which gives insight on the mindset and proper steps to take on the day of running a marathon. Through his detailed description of his own personal routine, it really helps the viewer get inside the head of Chris and also learn useful tips while running a race. In this post, I felt like he was my personal trainer walking me through each mile of the race.

When looking through a handful of his posts, I would assume Chris designs many of his workouts through workout products that he is sponsored by. However, his ability to relate to his readers through narratives disguises his product promotion well. I am sure there is some attempt to boost sales for these products by using them in his video post, but you can tell from his other posts that he truly enjoys helping people achieve their fitness goals.

Here is his link:

Friday, April 5, 2013


As college students, we are all on a budget, but let’s be honest – you aren't getting the right amount of vitamins and minerals from eating the foods that typical college students eat.  That Hot Pocket or Easy Mac you eat for dinner isn't cutting it for your daily serving of fruits and vegetables.  Often times, I myself am a victim of eating the cheaper food option to save money.  I’ll admit, eating healthy can be expensive, but getting the right kinds of nutrition each day can really payoff when it comes to your overall energy.  Even though taking over-the-counter vitamins and supplements doesn't provide you with the equivalent level of nutrition you get from eating real foods themselves, it helps you save a ton of money in the end, not to mention has helped me stay healthy living in a frat house for the last 3 years… and in my opinion, it’s perfectly fine for a college kid just trying to get by on a budget. 

In the last year, I have incorporated some basic supplements into my diet and have noticed a drastic change in the amount of energy levels my body has.  There are hundreds of supplements which can be purchased over the counter from stores like Whole Foods, GNC or even your local CVS.  In today’s market there is pretty much a supplement available for every part of the human body.  Not saying purchasing all of these wouldn't be beneficial to your body, but personally, I can’t afford to be breaking my bank on supplements alone.   So, I have compiled a list of the most important supplements which I feel a college student should be taking on a daily basis:

1.       Protein – If you ask today’s nutritionist, you’ll find out the human body should have about 20-30% of its caloric intake to be protein.  This is especially important for athletes or those of any of you who live an active lifestyle.  Getting a protein powder with a shaker, can be easy to bring to class in your backpack. Consuming the right amounts of protein each day will also help you energy be longer lasting and sustainable throughout the day.
2.       Vegetable Supplement – Vegetables are a crucial part of your diet and the food options around campus don’t really give you the option to get your daily serving of vegetables.  Also, vegetables don’t have the longest shelf life, and if you live in a dorm room, you probably don’t have much room to store them.  By investing in a vegetable supplements, you have your daily serving of greens which can be consumed in less than a minute.  You can even go ahead and throw them in with your protein shake as seen above!

3.       Fish Oil –Whether you are trying to burn fat, build muscle, or better overall health, fish oil is an essential supplement.  Its numerous benefits come from its high levels of omega-3 fatty acids.  These are considered “essential fatty acids” which are necessary for human health, but aren’t made by the body.  Yes, you can get some of these acids from fish, eggs, nuts and some grass-fed beef animals, but not enough.  A couple of recent studies have shown they also improve memory and with all those late nights of cramming for exams, I’ll take all the memory I can get!
4.       Multivitamin – Multivitamins are necessary in your diet whether you are a fitness freak or just an average Joe.  It’s hard to keep track of every type of vitamin your body is supposed to get, but that can be easily taken care of with a high quality multivitamin.  The “Men’s One-A-Day” Vitamins off the shelf are great and all, but may not be targeted towards your specific fitness goals.  Check out this link below which helps you find the multivitamin which is right for you.
Universal Nutrition Animal Pak

Friday, March 29, 2013

Trainer Chris

In his blog, “Trainer Chris,” Chris Fales shares his exercise and health advice while giving tidbits of his life as a Marine and a certified trainer.  Although the name of the blog isn't the most original, it gives first time readers a pretty good idea of what the blog will be about.  While serving in the U.S. Marine Corps as a Non-Commissioned Officer in charge of weight control and fitness conditioning, ensuring that each Marine met and kept fitness standards.  Holding this position in the Marines sparked Chris’s interest to become a personal trainer.  After completing his time with the Marines, he went on to win several fitness awards, even speaking as a guest for 24 Hour Fitness and Bally Total Fitness.  By telling the reader about his background and experiences as a trainer, his blog gains more credibility.  From each of his blog post, I can see why Chris has been such a positive influence on changing lives.

Chris’s voice in each post is prevalent.  The writing is structured in formal, grammatically correct sentences, but there are pieces here and there of conversational language, pretty close to the style of writing in my blog.  Chris mixes in an array of narratives about his personal life and time in the Marines.  Sometimes, Chris will post a video alone, using a few pieces of his favorite exercise equipment.  In his most recent post, “Bag and Bar Drill #1,” he walks his viewers through an outdoor workout tutorial.

Other times, he will talk about events or personal achievements which are going on in his day to day life.  Similar to myself, Chris also uses his personal experiences from his own life to motivate or help his readers.  I really enjoyed his “Defining Runs” post which gives insight on the mindset and proper steps to take on the day of running a marathon.  Through his detailed description of his own personal routine, it really helps the viewer get inside the head of Chris and also learn useful tips while running a race.  In this post, I felt like he was my personal trainer walking me through each mile of the race.

When looking through a handful of his posts, I would assume Chris designs many of his workouts through workout products that he is sponsored by.  However, his ability to relate to his readers through narratives disguises his product promotion well.  I am sure there is some attempt to boost sales for these products by using them in his video post, but you can tell from his other posts that he truly enjoys helping people achieve their fitness goals.

Here is his link:

Friday, March 15, 2013

Stay-Fit Bug

While looking through different types of fitness blogs, I came across a blog called the “Stay-Fit Bug.”  Initially, I was drawn to the blog because of what it stood for.  For the most part, fitness and health blogs tend to tell you the right types or workouts to do or foods to eat.  Unfortunately, if you are like me, you don’t have time to dedicate every hour of your day solely to staying in shape.  Don’t get me wrong.  I am not saying fitness is not a top priority for many of you, but often times, life can steer us away from staying fit.  These are the types of obstacles this blog addresses, while sharing fitness advice along the way.  Shaun Sinclair, the writer for, provides a voice of guidance to help and motivate the everyday person. 
Shaun has been building muscle successfully for the past 10-12 years and recognizes the ups and downs he has faced along the way to stay in shape.  Over the past 4-5 years, Shaun has started a handful of online ventures.  Hey, entrepreneurs out there! If you want tips on staying in shape and owning your own business, this is your guy.  For most of us, at some time in our lives, we feel that we are too busy to work out or buy healthy foods to eat.  Shaun recognizes his firsthand experience becoming victim to this when he stopped exercising for almost two years, getting too caught up in making his business successful.  One aspect of Shaun’s blog which made me highly respect him was his ability to admit mistakes.  Sharing common mistakes like “improperly stretching” or “letting your body rest,” he helps prevent his followers from preventing future health injuries down the road.
In terms of relating to my personal blog, I like the personal style and flare Shaun rights in each of his posts.  Since my goal is to help people live a healthier life and achieve their fitness goals, tying in my personality will make readers feel I am there as a friend.  So, although Shaun doesn’t have a scientific background, he serves as credible source in relating to the average person – my number one goal as a blogger.  There is no better feeling than helping someone reach their fitness goals.  Not only are they healthier, but you help boost their overall confidence and self-esteem.  Even though the “Stay-Fit Bug” is currently inactive, I discovered a few new useful techniques to implement in my blog.
Interesting Articles:

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Snowboarding - Read All About It

While surfing the Internet to find my social bookmarking soul mate I discovered one thing – The Internet is full of lots of junk which I don’t care to waste my time reading.  I figured that I would be able to find someone who shared my wide range of interests.  However, I continued to be disappointed reading one pointless article after another.  After browsing Reddit for awhile, I came across (a blog all about snowboarding).  Finally, a site worth staying on for more than 30 seconds!  This site had tags for any topic relating to snowboarding. I could stay on this blog for hours because it truly captures every aspect of what a snowboarder wants to read and look at.
Scrolling through the site, I was amazed at the photos taken all around the world.  The site was up-to-date on current events happening in the sport, including discussion topics about the latest Winter X-Games.  It had tags linked to snowboarding apparel, team riders, and new terrain parks being built.  Although the site linked to about 30-40 topics within snowboarding, the material could have been organized better.  I didn’t mind because each post was interesting to view.  If you are looking for a specific piece, you may have to do some searching.
I am not exactly sure if you could call Iksandi Lojaya, the writer of the blog, my soul mate, but at least he made a common interest between us appealing to read.  If my social bookmarking soul mate had to be picked from one of my interest (snowboarding), it would definitely be this guy.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Gluten Free Craze

People seem to always be jumping onboard the newest health craze.  In a society so concerned with appearance, people constantly look for the latest trend to get them into shape.  Many of these fads go away and people discover they are not true.  However, some health trends get backed by research and are part of our lives today. 
A popular health trend in our culture today seems to be all about going “gluten free.”  Gluten is a term used for a family of proteins containing wheat, barley, and rye.  The gluten itself can be found in the seeds of these nutritional sources.  In the past, people who were restricted to eating gluten free foods were people with Celiac disease.  This disease affects about 1% of the population.  Now, new claims are being made which state it is possible to be “gluten sensitive.”  Based on little evidence, approximately 6% of the population is gluten sensitive.  When patients are diagnosed as being gluten sensitive, they are instructed to follow a gluten free diet and see if they feel better.  In the past year, I have had a couple of close friends who tell me they have been diagnosed as gluten sensitive.  At first, I was convinced it was an actual disease, but over time, I became more skeptical.  I couldn’t understand how most of their diet consisted to gluten free food, but they would order an occasional burrito or burger when we would go out to eat.  The facts didn’t add up to me.
A couple months ago, the Diane Rehm Show brought in a group of six experts, including doctors and registered nutritionist to talk about the new gluten free craze.  To confirm my previous skepticism, every expert claimed “gluten sensitivity” to be a fad except one.  For the one who thought it was an actual disease, he gave a vague argument and agreed that there is no way to test if it exists.  According to these experts, most people are undergoing a placebo effect and have the ability to pretty much self-diagnose themselves.  In most cases, it’s a fact of a person just eating healthier and improving their diet.
Think about it – If your daily diet consists of bad carbs such as pizza, pasta, bagels and burritos, and you cut those out of your diet, you will probably feel better because you are replacing them with other food groups which have nutritional value.   Is it possible that being “gluten sensitive” could one day be an actual diagnosis? Possibly.  But as of right now, there isn’t any scientific data or evidence for it to hold true.  This is a fad that will pass with time.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Cold/Flu Dilemma

Unfortunately, over the past week, I caught the bug that has been getting everyone sick around USC.  No one likes being sick and I wanted to get better as soon as possible.  Only a day or two into my sickness, a friend called me up and convinced me to go to the gym with him.  Although my body felt much weaker than normal, I was determined to get a high intensity workout in for the day.  While at the gym, I didn’t feel too bad, especially with my friend there to push me every step of the way.  Boy, did I pay the price later on.  Later that night, my cold became much worse and my fever spiked.  Laying on my couch in misery, I was mad at myself for pushing myself too hard and worsening the sickness I already had.  Instead of continuing to beat myself up about the matter, I decided to research what physical activity can be done while sick, if any.
Excising when sick turns out to not be that bad for you after all.  In fact, it can actually help you recover faster.  You just have to be smart about it.  I found a good rule to go by is whether your symptoms are above or below your neck.  What do I mean by this?  When symptoms are above your neck such as sneezing, scratchy throat, or runny nose, you are generally cleared to do moderate-intensity workouts.  This does not mean trying to break your personal record on the treadmill.
When shouldn’t you workout? – When symptoms are below your neck, meaning chest congestion, muscle aches, or chills.  Hydration is so important when getting over a sickness.  By excising with your body at high temperatures, you risk reaching a point of dehydration.  Also, if your body feels any of these “below the neck” symptoms, your immune system is incredibly weak.  By doing high-intensity aerobic training or heavy lifting, you are breaking it down even further.
Most importantly, listen to your body.  Don’t be an idiot! If you can fry an egg on your forehead because your fever is so high, you probably shouldn’t go to the gym.  Taking two days off from your workout routine, could save you from taking two weeks off down the line.  And don’t worry, the gym will still be there when you get better.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Exercising and Time Management

The biggest excuse I hear from friends and peers for why they don’t exercise is - “I don’t have time.”  No matter how difficult your major is, or how much time your internship takes up each week, everyone can make time to get in at least a few days of exercise each week.  Throughout my four years in college, I have found that by taking the time to exercise regularly gives me a clearer state of mind and more energy throughout the day.  To accomplish this, time management is crucial.  When everyone first gets to college, they are given the freedom to manage their free time however they like.  Once in college, you no longer have parents telling you how to manage your time.  You are in control!  Here are some easy tips that I have used to managed my time and stay motivated:
1.       Scheduling class times - Arranging your classes with the right kinds of gaps in the day leaves time open to get to the gym or go on a run.  Personally, I like to have open schedules in the morning to get the workout out of the way early.
2.        Set goals – By setting goals for yourself, you will know what it is going to take to reach them.  One example would be making a pact to exercise at least 4 days a week for just one hour.
3.       Workout with friends - Exercising with friends can increase motivation.  If you can, try to go to the gym with friends who are knowledgeable about certain exercises and share similar goals.  
4.       Sign up for an exercise class that is a real class – USC and many other colleges offer fitness classes that go towards school credit.  This way, you are forced to exercise and can get extra elective units out of the way.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Snacks on Snacks

As college students, we are constantly trying to keep up with school work, clubs, and social life.  Because of this, it is a constant battle to stay energized throughout the day.  To many of us, the answer to staying awake is to drink lots and lots of caffeine which isn’t always the healthiest option for your body.  Believe it or not, but the food and snacks you eat throughout the day can have an impact on your energy levels.  By breaking old habits of snacking on chips or processed foods to satisfy your hunger, you will be able to concentrate better in class and have a clearer mindset.
Snacking throughout the day also helps with your metabolism, if it is the right kinds of snacks.  Studies have shown that by eating a nutritious snack between 2:00pm and 4:00pm, you can avoid the dreaded “4 o’clock” feeling.   A misconception by many people is that snacking is bad and you are taking in more calories.  Starving yourself is terrible for weight loss! You are confusing your metabolism when you don’t eat and it slows down when you end up eating a bigger meal.  TRUE – you are taking in more calories, but often times, this leads to overeating during meals later on.   Instead, it is best to snack throughout the day and eat smaller meals, giving you even amounts of energy throughout the day.
Coming from someone who does make an effort to snack regularly, trust me, it works.  In the last couple years, I have made these changes to my diet and have noticed an improvement in my productivity levels.  Snacking on a regular basis has also helped me cut back significantly on my coffee intake.