
Friday, April 5, 2013


As college students, we are all on a budget, but let’s be honest – you aren't getting the right amount of vitamins and minerals from eating the foods that typical college students eat.  That Hot Pocket or Easy Mac you eat for dinner isn't cutting it for your daily serving of fruits and vegetables.  Often times, I myself am a victim of eating the cheaper food option to save money.  I’ll admit, eating healthy can be expensive, but getting the right kinds of nutrition each day can really payoff when it comes to your overall energy.  Even though taking over-the-counter vitamins and supplements doesn't provide you with the equivalent level of nutrition you get from eating real foods themselves, it helps you save a ton of money in the end, not to mention has helped me stay healthy living in a frat house for the last 3 years… and in my opinion, it’s perfectly fine for a college kid just trying to get by on a budget. 

In the last year, I have incorporated some basic supplements into my diet and have noticed a drastic change in the amount of energy levels my body has.  There are hundreds of supplements which can be purchased over the counter from stores like Whole Foods, GNC or even your local CVS.  In today’s market there is pretty much a supplement available for every part of the human body.  Not saying purchasing all of these wouldn't be beneficial to your body, but personally, I can’t afford to be breaking my bank on supplements alone.   So, I have compiled a list of the most important supplements which I feel a college student should be taking on a daily basis:

1.       Protein – If you ask today’s nutritionist, you’ll find out the human body should have about 20-30% of its caloric intake to be protein.  This is especially important for athletes or those of any of you who live an active lifestyle.  Getting a protein powder with a shaker, can be easy to bring to class in your backpack. Consuming the right amounts of protein each day will also help you energy be longer lasting and sustainable throughout the day.
2.       Vegetable Supplement – Vegetables are a crucial part of your diet and the food options around campus don’t really give you the option to get your daily serving of vegetables.  Also, vegetables don’t have the longest shelf life, and if you live in a dorm room, you probably don’t have much room to store them.  By investing in a vegetable supplements, you have your daily serving of greens which can be consumed in less than a minute.  You can even go ahead and throw them in with your protein shake as seen above!

3.       Fish Oil –Whether you are trying to burn fat, build muscle, or better overall health, fish oil is an essential supplement.  Its numerous benefits come from its high levels of omega-3 fatty acids.  These are considered “essential fatty acids” which are necessary for human health, but aren’t made by the body.  Yes, you can get some of these acids from fish, eggs, nuts and some grass-fed beef animals, but not enough.  A couple of recent studies have shown they also improve memory and with all those late nights of cramming for exams, I’ll take all the memory I can get!
4.       Multivitamin – Multivitamins are necessary in your diet whether you are a fitness freak or just an average Joe.  It’s hard to keep track of every type of vitamin your body is supposed to get, but that can be easily taken care of with a high quality multivitamin.  The “Men’s One-A-Day” Vitamins off the shelf are great and all, but may not be targeted towards your specific fitness goals.  Check out this link below which helps you find the multivitamin which is right for you.
Universal Nutrition Animal Pak

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