
Friday, February 8, 2013

Exercising and Time Management

The biggest excuse I hear from friends and peers for why they don’t exercise is - “I don’t have time.”  No matter how difficult your major is, or how much time your internship takes up each week, everyone can make time to get in at least a few days of exercise each week.  Throughout my four years in college, I have found that by taking the time to exercise regularly gives me a clearer state of mind and more energy throughout the day.  To accomplish this, time management is crucial.  When everyone first gets to college, they are given the freedom to manage their free time however they like.  Once in college, you no longer have parents telling you how to manage your time.  You are in control!  Here are some easy tips that I have used to managed my time and stay motivated:
1.       Scheduling class times - Arranging your classes with the right kinds of gaps in the day leaves time open to get to the gym or go on a run.  Personally, I like to have open schedules in the morning to get the workout out of the way early.
2.        Set goals – By setting goals for yourself, you will know what it is going to take to reach them.  One example would be making a pact to exercise at least 4 days a week for just one hour.
3.       Workout with friends - Exercising with friends can increase motivation.  If you can, try to go to the gym with friends who are knowledgeable about certain exercises and share similar goals.  
4.       Sign up for an exercise class that is a real class – USC and many other colleges offer fitness classes that go towards school credit.  This way, you are forced to exercise and can get extra elective units out of the way.

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