
Monday, May 6, 2013

Hello World Post

It’s a football game day on the USC campus.  You told yourself you are going to start eating healthier, but all your friends want to get cheeseburgers and beer before the game.  You want to say no, but you don’t know any other alternative.  Does this situation sound familiar?  As college students, we are constantly faced with these situations keeping us from getting the figure that will give us the confidence we want day to day.  At times, it seems impossible to balance a healthy living with an active college lifestyle.  This is far from the truth!
I pride myself on living an active lifestyle and staying fit.  More people than ever are overweight and can’t seem to find a way and stay healthy, especially in college.  As college students, we encounter so many obstacles that keep us from having the physique that we feel good about.  College is a time where you are given freedom to decide how you want to carry out your life.  No one is there to tell you how to spend your free time.  You are in control.  With college, there comes obstacles. These obstacles are everywhere -  cafeteria food, late nights studying, low college budget, and partying.  It is easy to use these things as an excuse.  
I want my blog to focus on the importance of staying in shape and enjoying college.  Now a second semester senior, I want to share useful tips I have gathered to help me stay fit and healthy despite the chaos college can throw at you.  In my posts, I will share workout and dieting tips, easy changes to your daily routine, goal setting, and time management.  I will also share personal stories about my journey from freshman year and how I learned what works and what doesn’t work when it comes to staying in shape.
Would you be curious to know how many calories are in your drink at a Thursday night party?  Which snacks give you the most energy and nutrition? How you can reach your goals in the gym?  Stick around and you will find out! --- Fitness is so important to me and I hope that through my blog posts, it will help and motivate others to stay fit too.  No matter who you are, everyone has the ability to achieve the physique they want, while still having fun and enjoying college.  
Blog names:  College Fitness; You vs. College;  Staying Fit in College

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