
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Snacks on Snacks

As college students, we are constantly trying to keep up with school work, clubs, and social life.  Because of this, it is a constant battle to stay energized throughout the day.  To many of us, the answer to staying awake is to drink lots and lots of caffeine which isn’t always the healthiest option for your body.  Believe it or not, but the food and snacks you eat throughout the day can have an impact on your energy levels.  By breaking old habits of snacking on chips or processed foods to satisfy your hunger, you will be able to concentrate better in class and have a clearer mindset.
Snacking throughout the day also helps with your metabolism, if it is the right kinds of snacks.  Studies have shown that by eating a nutritious snack between 2:00pm and 4:00pm, you can avoid the dreaded “4 o’clock” feeling.   A misconception by many people is that snacking is bad and you are taking in more calories.  Starving yourself is terrible for weight loss! You are confusing your metabolism when you don’t eat and it slows down when you end up eating a bigger meal.  TRUE – you are taking in more calories, but often times, this leads to overeating during meals later on.   Instead, it is best to snack throughout the day and eat smaller meals, giving you even amounts of energy throughout the day.
Coming from someone who does make an effort to snack regularly, trust me, it works.  In the last couple years, I have made these changes to my diet and have noticed an improvement in my productivity levels.  Snacking on a regular basis has also helped me cut back significantly on my coffee intake. 

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