
Thursday, April 11, 2013


You vs. College:

It’s a football game day on your college’s campus. You told yourself you are going to start eating healthier, but all your friends want to get cheeseburgers and beer before the game. You want to say no, but you don’t know any other alternative. Does this situation sound familiar? As college students, we are constantly faced with these situations keeping us from getting the figure that will give us the confidence we want day to day. At times, it seems impossible to balance healthy living with an active college lifestyle. This is far from the truth!

I pride myself on living an active lifestyle and staying fit. More people than ever are overweight and can’t seem to find a way and stay healthy, especially in college. But with college, comes obstacles. These obstacles are everywhere – cafeteria food, late nights studying, low college budget, and partying. Each of these obstacles makes college the experience of a lifetime, but shouldn't get in the way of staying healthy and fit. College is a time where you are given freedom to decide how you want to carry out your life. No one is there to tell you how to spend your free time. You are in control.

I want my blog to focus on the importance of staying in shape and enjoying college at the same time. Now a second semester senior, I want to share useful tips I have gathered to help me stay fit and healthy despite the chaos college can throw at you. Not only have I helped myself stay in shape, but have also enjoyed helping other friends and colleagues achieve their goals as well. In my posts, I will discuss topics like workout and dieting tips, easy changes to your daily routine, goal setting, and time management. I will also share personal stories about my college journey from freshman year and how I learned what works and what doesn't work when it comes to staying in shape. I have been working out religiously and making a conscious effort to always be keeping my body healthy. By no means do I claim to be a fitness or health expert. I am writing this blog to simply share my success with fitness in college and educate college students on surviving college in general.

Would you be curious to know how many calories are in your drink at a Thursday night party? Which snacks give me the most energy and nutrition? How do I reach my goals in the gym? Stick around and you will find out! --- Fitness is so important to me and I hope that through my blog posts, it will help and motivate others to stay fit too. No matter who you are, everyone has the ability to achieve the physique they want, while still having fun and enjoying college.

Stay-Fit Bug:

While looking through different types of fitness blogs, I came across a blog called the “Stay-Fit Bug.” Initially, I was drawn to the blog because of what it stood for. For the most part, fitness and health blogs tend to tell you the right types or workouts to do or foods to eat. Unfortunately, if you are like me, you don’t have time to dedicate every hour of your day solely to staying in shape. Don’t get me wrong. I am not saying fitness isn't a top priority for many of you, but often times, life can steer us away from staying fit. These are the types of obstacles this blog addresses, while sharing fitness advice along the way. Shaun Sinclair, the writer for, provides a voice of guidance to help and motivate the everyday person.

Shaun has been building muscle successfully for the past 10-12 years and recognizes the ups and downs he has faced along the way to stay in shape. Over the past 4-5 years, Shaun has started a handful of online ventures. Hey, entrepreneurs out there! If you want tips on staying in shape and owning your own business, this is your guy. For most of us, at some time in our lives, we feel that we are too busy to work out or buy healthy foods to eat. Shaun knows this happens and looks to lend a helping hand from his real life experiences. In his bio section, he talks about a time where he stopped exercising for almost two years, getting too caught up in making his business successful. One aspect of Shaun’s blog which made me highly respect him was his ability to admit mistakes. This is what makes him relatable as a blogger to viewers and something I try to do with each post of my own. By sharing common mistakes like “improperly stretching” or “letting your body rest,” he helps prevent his followers from future health injuries down the road.

In terms of relating to my own blog, I like the personal style and flare Shaun rights in each of his posts. Since my goal is to help people live a healthier life and achieve their fitness goals, tying in my personality will make readers feel I am there as a friend. So, although Shaun doesn't have a scientific background, he serves as credible source in relating to the average person – my number one goal as a blogger. There is no better feeling than helping someone reach their fitness goals. Not only are they healthier, but you help boost their overall confidence and self-esteem. Even though the “Stay-Fit Bug” is currently inactive, I discovered a few new useful techniques to implement in my blog. Shaun, get back on the blogging train!

Link to Blog:

Interesting Articles:

Trainer Chris:

In his blog, “Trainer Chris,” Chris Fales shares his exercise and health advice while giving tidbits of his life as a Marine and a certified trainer. Although the name of the blog isn't the most original, it gives first time readers a pretty good idea of what the blog will be about. While serving in the U.S. Marine Corps as a Non-Commissioned Officer in charge of weight control and fitness conditioning, ensuring that each Marine met and kept fitness standards. Holding this position in the Marines sparked Chris’s interest to become a personal trainer. After completing his time with the Marines, he went on to win several fitness awards, even speaking as a guest for 24 Hour Fitness and Bally Total Fitness. By telling the reader about his background and experiences as a trainer, his blog gains more credibility. From each of his blog post, I can see why Chris has been such a positive influence on changing lives.

Chris’s voice in each post is prevalent. The writing is structured in formal, grammatically correct sentences, but there are pieces here and there of conversational language, pretty close to the style of writing in my blog. Chris mixes in an array of narratives about his personal life and time in the Marines. Sometimes, Chris will post a video alone, using a few pieces of his favorite exercise equipment. In his most recent post, “Bag and Bar Drill #1,” he walks his viewers through an outdoor workout tutorial.

Other times, he will talk about events or personal achievements which are going on in his day to day life. Similar to myself, Chris also uses his personal experiences from his own life to motivate or help his readers. I really enjoyed his “Defining Runs” post which gives insight on the mindset and proper steps to take on the day of running a marathon. Through his detailed description of his own personal routine, it really helps the viewer get inside the head of Chris and also learn useful tips while running a race. In this post, I felt like he was my personal trainer walking me through each mile of the race.

When looking through a handful of his posts, I would assume Chris designs many of his workouts through workout products that he is sponsored by. However, his ability to relate to his readers through narratives disguises his product promotion well. I am sure there is some attempt to boost sales for these products by using them in his video post, but you can tell from his other posts that he truly enjoys helping people achieve their fitness goals.

Here is his link:

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