
Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Coachella Experience

Last weekend, I jumped on board with many other college students to experience the world famous Coachella music festival for myself.  Coachella ended up being one of the most fun times I have had in college and I recommend everyone go through the three day musical journey at least once.  Being a Coachella rookie, I had no idea how to prepare or go about each day in order to get the best experience possible.  Now that I have experienced the full festival from beginning to end, I can share my recommendations to my viewers, so, in the future, you can leave the festival on a high note.  I understand that many people’s idea of fun may be different from mine, but here are some tips from my point of view which I believe will make your Coachella experience a memorable one:

1.       If it’s your first time at Coachella, definitely camp – Before buying my ticket for the concert, I had to decide whether to camp or find a nearby hotel.  Since it was my first time, I figured I would get the full Coachella experience by staying at the campgrounds right outside the festival.  Sure, camping got a little dirty towards the end, but it was definitely the right choice.   Camping also gives you the luxury of not having to deal with taxis or buses to and from the concert.  After your first time, by all means stay somewhere else, but you are missing out by not camping.

2.       Eat food - I know this seems obvious, but it’s tempting to miss out on a meal to see one of your favorite artists.  Your body needs calories to have energy and needs to stay fueled.  When you dance around for 12 hours straight every day, you basically put your body through an all day aerobics class.  One solution to this is bringing a couple meal bars with you to the concert.  This will help you from waiting in the food lines every few hours and gives you sustainable energy.

3.       Drink water – Like food, your body needs fluids to survive, especially in 95 degree weather.  My guess is you are probably consuming alcohol throughout the day, meaning having an extra couple bottles of water on hand is crucial.  Realize that this concert is an all day festival in very hot weather so consuming too much alcohol early on will make you pay later in the day.

4.       Travel in small groups – As fun as it sounds to roam around with a crew of 30 people throughout the day, it isn't realistic.  I made this mistake the first day and much of my day consisted of waiting or trying to find people.  In order to see the most acts in the short period of time you have, it’s best to have a small group with the same agenda.

5.       Go see a show at every stage – Coachella is such an amazing festival because it has music for every type of person.  Regardless of your music preferences (I spent most of my time in the “Sahara Tent”), go watch a group or performer at every stage.  

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